Rockwell Collins Amateur Radio Special Event
W5ROK Participation
75th Anniversary of Collins Radio was 20 - 26 September 2008
Ross Terry K5SRT was the POC for Richardson
75th Anniversary QSO's totals from Richardson include at least 469 contacts:
- Electronic recorded QSO's making use of N1MM hosting between the computers
- Electronic log showed we had 280 calls but believe we had an additional 3 but had
some sort of electronic issue
- Electronic recorded QSO' s showed modes/bands ranging from PSK31, CW, and Voice
over 80M, 40M, and 20M
- Contacts included calls like KH6IB - Randy in Honolulu, HI, to VE5RH - Richard
in Saskatoon, CANADA from coast to coast
- The West Coast did not miss out as CA and WA where very active at times on several
long runs
- Paper recorded QSO also reached 189 and included some impressive runs
- QSL logs appear to show pretty equal use of the Yaesu, Collins S Line, and the
Kenwood during the 75th Annv. Event.
- The 75th QSL card party has not been setup yet
Some Lessons Learned this Month
- You know its time for a break if you begin to hear things. K5SRT - Ross reported
he was here one evening recently and though AE5IH - Kera might be operating PSK31 from his desk? It turned out
to be a coffee pot ajar boiling off a spill.
- Ideally you would leave both PCs on if you've been operating or logging in a split
- In N1MM after you enter the Call Sign you can quickly pull up QRZ.COM callsign
information with just a click or two
- Some people can write amazingly fast and well given some of the runs during the
75th. Ann. event
- Not all PSK31 tools are created equal nor are they included in your log.
- Ten foot ground rods may only get five foot in the ground before you reach a MILE
stone in effort
- N1MM profiles should be setup the same between all machines logging to the same
- We appear to still need to work out some procedure on the electronic tool as it
appears we my not know who some of the operators where if they did not switch the operator from the prior user
or left operator as W5ROK
- Take a bathroom break before the pile up